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Abdominal Fat – Definition, How to Burn, Best 7 Foods, and More

Abdominal Fat Definition

Abdominal fat is a great enemy for all those who exercise regularly. And do not see the desired results despite making so many efforts and going through hardships day by day.

It is one of our worst enemies for health in our day-to-day lives and lives for many years. For today we have proposed to give you some tips and advice on how to lose fat more efficiently.

But without going to all that miracle diets that promise to eliminate all your fat in 7 days so you will never see it again.

How to Help Burn Abdominal Fat?

Abdominal Fat

1. Exercise on Sunny Days

  • Exercising in sunlight can increase fat burning by up to 20%.
  • It is due to leptin production, which produces a faster movement of the overweight bags we have in our bodies.

2. Whole Grain Products into the Diet

  • Grain products, especially bread, rice, and whole grains, they provide a  feeling of satiety. It avoids the intake of other more caloric foods, with a higher content of bad fats for the body.
  • It does not mean that you have to abuse this type of food since you have to follow a varied and balanced diet.
  • Fat is the great enemy that we have to fight to have a higher quality of life and less risk of serious diseases.

3. Try Not to Abuse the Salt

  • Since they retain fluid, fat accumulates in the areas that the body is prone to them. Salt can give you high-calorie beverages.
  • Children who cut their salt intake in half drink two fewer sugary drinks per week, eliminating more than 230 calories from your Diet.

4. Take Beans into your Diet

  • An enzyme in red beans helps burn fat by preventing carbohydrates from deposited as fat stores and having less fat in our stores.

5. Play Sports in the Early Morning

  • Doing cardio exercise early morning helps you burn fat faster. In these hours, you can lose a kilo more than in later hours.

6. During Training, have a Coffee Before

Caffeine makes stored fat more available to burn when you start to sweat. Coffee just 30 minutes before Training on an empty stomach can help activate fat during exercise.

Machines that help burn fat:

    • Elliptical with touch screen
    • Spinning bike PRO with power meter.

7. Pool Training Add your Routines

  • It is one of the sports that burn the most calories per hour, which tones the body the most.
  • About 420 calories per hour burn to do this exercise and exercise both the upper body and the lower part of the body intensely.

8. Dress your Meals with Olive Oil

  • In this way. The circulation of fat improves and burns faster.

9. Eat Oatmeal for Breakfast

It is a food that helps to control weight from first thing in the morning.

Oatmeal is also a very energetic and healthy food used to supplement weight-loss diets thanks to its high fiber and nutrients that facilitate fat absorption.

Benefits of taking oatmeal before Training:

  • It helps lower cholesterol thanks to essential amino acids, fiber, and omega 3 acids.
  • It is an antioxidant.
  • Oatmeal help lowers blood pressure.
  • It helps reduce appetite.
  • Oatmeal improves the immune system.
  • This meal reduces the likelihood of type 2 diabetes or Mellitus (characterized by a high glucose level in the blood).
  • They are suitable for skincare.
  • It has expectorant properties, facilitates the expulsion of substances contained inside the lungs.
  • It helps you lose weight, which is why it usually includes weight-loss diets, as they help retain fewer fluids and the fiber content helps eliminate fats and toxins better.

Recommendations to Burn Abdominal Fat

Incorrect lifestyle habits, a sedentary lifestyle, and a low diet can cause us to accumulate fat in our abdomen in an uncontrolled way.

As we already know, miracles do not exist. Getting a flat stomach requires some effort and small daily sacrifices.


These sacrifices are going to focus, above all, on avoiding foods with excess fat and that, therefore, facilitate fat storage.

Therefore, to burn abdominal fat, we recommend, first of all, meet the following goals :

  • Drink two liters of water a day, in addition to the content in food.
  • Eliminate fast food (“junk”), industrial food, and sweets.
  • Eliminate salt from your meals, as it is the leading cause of fluid retention.
  • Get a little exercise a day. Only with the perseverance to walk half an hour a day, for example, we can take care of our health.

On the other hand, remember that following a diet is not to stop eating or do it in minimal quantities.

If possible, it is convenient that you eat 5 meals a day: breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack, and dinner. It will keep your metabolism active throughout the day.

Best 7 Foods to Help Burn Abdominal Fat

Abdominal Fat

1. The Apple

  • How about we start the day with a delicious apple? It is a very suitable fruit to start the day. Of course, complete it with a portion of proteins and carbohydrates, such as a good bowl of oatmeal.
  • The reason why apples are good for burning belly fat lies in the fact that they contain nutrients, vitamin C, flavonoids, and beta-carotene.
  • Also, we can consume it at the end of the day. Apple juice, combined with beetroot, is perfect to finish dinner. Do you dare?

2. The Banana

  • The banana has between 75 and 130 calories. It is also a fruit full of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins.
  • It would be something like an isotonic drink but in the form of food.  An ideal resource that we should not miss at least once a day.
  • Adding fruits like this to the Diet is essential to maintain a balanced diet. Do not forget. The banana is perfect.
  • It will come in handy mid-morning or mid-afternoon when you need to snack. It will satisfy you and provide you with many vitamins to continue with daily tasks.

3. Celery

  • The celery is another food that can help to remove abdominal fat.
  • It pairs with many foods and is delicious whichever way you decide to cook it. It has a large amount of vitamin C, in addition to calcium.

4. Seafood

  • It may be a bit expensive to consume daily, but you shouldn’t forget about it.
  • Seafood has monounsaturated fats, essential for the body.  Combine them as you wish; Thanks to them, you will also get many vitamins and minerals.

5. Avocados

  • There is a false belief that avocados are fattening, but it is not. On the contrary, it is one of the complete foods because they have oleic acid, an element that eliminates or delays the feeling of hunger.
  • Also, it has fiber, ideal for achieving a flat stomach. It is perfect in salads or creams, impossible to resist its flavor.

6. Cherries

  • If you have the opportunity to find them in your market, do not hesitate. Cherries have antioxidant properties, so they are ideal for taking care of our health.
  • They are also incredibly healthy and good for our digestive system and the heart and help lower cholesterol or uric acid.
  • They are very rich in antioxidants and are worth consuming whenever it is the season.

7. Tomatoes

  • Rich in salads and sauces, they combine in all our dishes and convey that unique and essential flavor to us daily.
  • However, maybe you did not know that tomatoes reduce the accumulation of lipids in the blood.
  • Ultimately, eating a healthy diet is a matter of habit. For this reason, we must get used to including varied, nutritious, and healthy foods in the Diet. Remember to complement good nutrition with physical exercise and consult your nutritionist!


Abdominal fat alone will not achieve positive effects on the loss of the body.

Of course, these types of exercises will be a useful ally in our training routine, but let’s not be fooled or pay attention to the television commercials: if we only do countless sit-ups a day, the effect we seek.

To lose that rebellious fat concentrated in our waist, we must lose abdominal fat in general. Second, we must follow a complete training and a good diet; only in this way will we show off an authentic six-pack.


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