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How To Stay Sober Post Your Addiction Recovery: 7 Steps To Success

Addiction recovery takes time. After having vigorous relapses and crossing goals in your journal, you are finally on the other end.

The other side of alcohol recovery is a marvelous experience. This is when you are finally experiencing the happiness and the peace of your clear mind—relieving stress by reading a book rather than indulging in another glass.

Sobriety after an alcohol addiction is definitely something to look forward to, and it is one’s greatest source of motivation as well. Patients recovering from alcohol addiction are always encouraged to keep a logbook which will help them check their improvement.

To Stay Sober After An Alcohol Recovery

After six months of sobriety, the logbook looks pretty good, and you are finally ready to enjoy your life without alcohol. You will enjoy finer things in life now. Although relapsing is not very common, it can definitely be prevented. Don’t worry. You will never reach that state of helplessness again.

Detox centers have been proven to be of great help in the journey of your recovery; this Gallus Detox Center in San Antonio is no exception to the great cause.

Here are the proven tips by experts that will prevent you from having even a drop of alcohol again.

1. Do Not Stop Therapy

It is common to bid goodbye to your therapy sessions when you are finally out. But this is the first mistake of your sobriety. You do not need to consult a sober coach or therapist only when you are going through a recovery, and you can continue this even after months of sobriety.

This will help you immensely understand different triggers and what you should do about them. You will also get a deep dive into all your mental issues because a therapist is not just helping you get sober. They are also helping you to understand the different sides of the psyche.

This is a constant help by your side every time you feel the urge to relapse. A therapist will give you suggestions to fight these urges.

2. Know You Triggers

Although addiction towards any substance mostly stems from a mental problem, there is always an external trigger attached to it. Maybe it is peer pressure or a certain company of people; it could also be a certain family environment.

It is always suggested to stay away from these triggers during your sobriety period. Not asking you to completely abandon your friends but only visit them in safe environments. Environments that don’t call for you to drink and if they are people who truly care about you, they will understand.

3. Stay Away From Stressful Situations

Stress is the biggest factor leading a former patient to collapse and return to their old habits. Although it is not entirely possible to stay away from stressful situations like working, it is still possible to keep away from them.

For at least six months of your sobriety, keep away from any major argument or huge decision that might involve a lot of risks. If you have urges to lash out, this could be late withdrawal symptoms, and it is suggested to talk to your therapist about them.

4. Know The Warning Signs

There are certain signs that your body will give you when you have this strong urge to have one drop of alcohol. It will either start becoming very restless, or you will become angry or irritated. Sometimes the fingers start getting very shaky when this happens.

These are the extreme signs of withdrawal, but they can stay for a few months, even after sobriety. When you start feeling these signs, you can go talk to a friend or a loved one rather than give up.

5. Find An Immediate Alternative

Have a good discussion with your therapist about the alternative things that you can try when you have the signs of relapse. These have to be immediate short-term solutions, mostly because the person is likely to have a lack of patience at this time.

These could be things like walking and running, listening to the music of your choice. Or a box breathing technique, where you imagine yourself drawing a box with your counted breathing. These techniques are supposed to keep you away from relapsing and distract you from the thought of it.

6. Built A Good Social Life

The chances are that if you go back to your old habits, you are more likely to relapse again. You should absolutely stay away from certain companies or friend groups. You can create a new social group that doesn’t emphasize drinking in every social gathering.

This is something that will help you to create a healthy lifestyle and move away from toxic habits. The more you find happiness in doing this sober, the lesser desires you will have to return to your addiction.

You can make plans with your family and friends who will totally support your decision in sobriety and won’t try to manipulate you otherwise.

7. Have A Schedule In Life

Having a tight-knit schedule that will have all the things that you enjoy as well as your work will leave no time for addiction. After working on your mental health, if you are still finding this urge to relapse, then it is probably because of boredom. You also can focus on your overall health without going to the gym.

Make a routine where you have something to do at each hour of your life. It could be simply a thirty-minute meditation. Then, when you are not leaving any minute free, you will not feel the need to take a sip. This is to not tie yourself in a strict routine but just to trick your mind into thinking it has no time for drinking.

Final Note

When you are starting your journey of new life after you leave the recovery center, do not get irritated when you feel the need to relapse. It is very common to go through subtle withdrawal symptoms after healing.This is your time to accept this and then work towards it. Don’t be afraid to take help, and live your journey through post-recovery sobriety. One day you will have a very inspiring story to tell.

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