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4 Primary Signs That Your Aging Parents Need Home Care Services

For most, knowing if a loved one requires senior home care service is among the most difficult decisions you can make. Odds are, your aging parents in your care won’t ask for home care or go to any facility whatsoever.

Many seniors will say that if they are given an opportunity, they would prefer to stay at home. The rest of the family members will probably argue about the right thing to do for grandpa, grandma, mom, or dad.

At times, having other people around to help when making a decision is really a blessing. However, when other family members don’t agree, you will only get more stress.

But what happens if you don’t know whether your aging parents need home care nursing Frederick MD? Well, in this case, the best thing to do is to pay attention to the following signs:


What starts as a missed doctor’s appointment or dose of medicine might seem innocuous because everyone slips at times. But when your aging parents forget whether they took their medications, this might have serious consequences.

Normally, forgetfulness compounds into forgetting to secure the home, being lost in familiar environments, unexplained bank withdrawals, and not paying bills. According to experts at Capital City Nurses, what might look like forgetfulness can actually be symptoms related to Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Falling Behind on Every Day Chores and Tasks

If you start noticing that once the clean and organized house of your loved one is dusty and cluttered, this might be a sign that they need help.

Whether because of changes in cognition or mobility limitations, it is natural for seniors to find that planning, organization, household chores, or personal care, like bathing and dressing, becomes challenging or unsafe.

But home care service may help to minimize difficulty or stress around housekeeping while ensuring your aging parents are comfortable and safe. And knowing that there is always someone around to support your aging parents throughout the day will make your mind at peace.

Change in Personality and Appearance

Change in behaviors and appearance is one of the primary signs that your aging parents need support and help from home care service providers. For instance, poor diet, wearing dirty clothing, excessive weight loss/gain, or change in personal hygiene may show that your loved ones have a shift in their mental and physical status. This may also mean that their functional capabilities have started to decline.

Depression and loneliness, along with other changes in personality, such as loss of interest in activities/hobbies, being disconnected from family/friends, and frequent mood swings, may as well show that your loved ones need home care service.

Seclusion or Boredom

Aging comes with many changes, and your elderly might not be energetic or lively as they used to be. However, spending a lot of time alone may negatively impact their well-being.

This is where home care services come in. Your loved ones may not need home healthcare services but may benefit from home care services, like companionship.

To Wrap-Up!

For most people, it is difficult to ask for help even when they are struggling a lot. As for your aging parents, paying attention to key signs is important so you can get help from a reliable and reputable home care agency.