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Apple Pie – Definition, Benefits, Nutritional Information, and Recipes

Apple Pie Definition

Apple pie is a pie processed fruit with a mass coated apple. There are many forms, and the apple can chop or compote. Apples can place directly on top of the dough or a cream base.

There are variants in which the dough envelops the whole fruit, as in the traditional Anglo-Saxon apple pie, or made the other way around by placing the dough on the fruit and then turning it over.

It is the most popular and international fruit tarts.

What are the Benefits of Apple Pie?

apple pie

  • The apple is a very healthy fruit. Besides providing vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre, it contains antioxidants such as flavonols and anthocyanins associated with beneficial health effects.
  • Its regular consumption of flavanols associate with reducing chronic diseases, such as cancer or degenerative disorders.
  • For their part, different studies indicate that anthocyanins would have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anticancer effects.
  • Beyond its possible health benefits, the apple is very easy to incorporate into the regular diet, as it can eat on its own and add to different recipes.
  • In this case, we propose several cake options that you can enjoy at your snacks or special occasions. Let’s do it!

What is the Nutritional Information of Apple Pie?

  • Apple pie is a healthy dessert for everyone and very nutritious. It provides us with quality proteins and sugars of slow assimilation so that we have energy, and it has no fats so that its caloric intake is moderate and can be part of any diet.
  • Dessert recommended for people with cholesterol since it does not have saturated fat (these people will not spread the mould with butter but with olive oil).
  • This cake can replace industrial bakery products, forming part of healthy breakfasts and snacks.
  • One of the ways to enjoy the flavour and nutrients that apples provide us is by making desserts. One of the most delicious options is apple pie.

Best 4 Homemade Recipes of Apple Pie

apple pie

Several homemade apple pie recipes are delicious. The most exciting thing is that they can prepare with 100% natural ingredients.

1. Classic Apple Pie

The first of the homemade apple pie recipes can make with yellow or red apples. It is perfect for learning how to prepare desserts since it does in very few steps, and the level of difficulty is shallow.

If desired, you can fill this cake with cream. However, skipping this step will not detract from the taste at all.


  • 4 apples
  • 1 glass of milk (250 ml)
  • 3 medium eggs (180 g)
  • 1 cup of oil (100 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of cornstarch (30 g)
  • 3 cups of cake flour (300 g)
  • And also, Vanilla essence (required amount)


  1. Firstly, we preheat the oven to 180 ºC.
  2. Next, we crack the eggs and beat them by hand together with the sugar.
  3. Little by little, we add a splash of vanilla essence and milk to the mixture.
  4. Next, add the flour and beat until the preparation takes a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Besides, we proceed to cut the apples into cubes. We withdraw the hearts.
  6. We pass the apple cubes through flour and cornstarch.
  7. To the mixture that we had prepared, we add the apples.
  8. We introduce the mixture in a round mould, previously oiled and floured.
  9. Next, we bake the preparation at a medium temperature for 25 minutes.
  10. Remove from the oven and allow cool to room temperature before unmolding.
  11. Finally, we sprinkle with icing sugar.

2. Caramelized Apple Pie

Those who like the taste of caramel should prepare the second of the homemade apple pie recipes. The best is the lemon zest point, which makes the flavour of the ingredients more intense.


  • Vanilla
  • 5 large apples
  • And also, 3 cups of flour (300 g)
  • 2 medium eggs (120 g)
  • 3 cups of sugar (300 g)
  • 1 and a half cups of milk (150 ml)
  • Lemon zest (to taste)
  • 1 cup of vegetable oil (100 ml)
  • And also, 2 level tablespoons of baking powder (20 g)


  1. First, we put a cup of sugar with a little water in a saucepan and take it to the oven until it turns caramel colour. We booked.
  2. Next, we wash, peel, and cut the apples into slices. We withdraw the heart.
  3. We place the apples on top of the caramel.
  4. Also, in a bowl, place the remaining sugar, the eggs, the vanilla, and the lemon zest.
  5. We beat everything well until the sugar dissolves.
  6. Now, add the oil little by little, beating at medium speed.
  7. Take flour, baking powder, and milk mix to make a dough of medium consistency.
  8. We pour the mixture over the apples and the caramel.
  9. Take to the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for 45 minutes.
  10. We let cool, and we turn it over on a tray.
  11. Finally, sprinkle with cinnamon to taste and serve.

3. Apple and Almond Pie

The third of the homemade apple pie recipes have almonds to give the dessert a crunchy touch that is much more palatable. Do you dare to try it?


  • 6 egg whites
  • And also, 6 egg yolks
  • 1 glass of milk (250 ml)
  • 4 large green apples
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla (10 g)
  • 3 and a half cups of sugar (350 g)
  • 2 and a half cups of margarine (250 g)
  • 5 cups of cake flour (500 g)
  • And also, 4 cups of toasted almonds (400 g)


  1. Firstly, we preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  2. Then, we grease and flour a mould about 26 centimetres in diameter approximately.
  3. Next, we wash, peel, and core the apples.
  4. Now, we cut them into medium pieces.
  5. We place the apples together with the cinnamon and a cup of sugar in a large pot.
  6. We keep it over high heat until the sugar melts, and the apple is “al dente.”
  7. And also, allow cool, strain the liquid, and mix with the milk. We reserve the apples.
  8. With an electric mixer, mix the margarine with the rest of the sugar in a bowl.
  9. We add the yolks, one by one.
  10. And also, add the flour, milk, and vanilla.
  11. We beat at low speed and reserve.
  12. Beat the whites till stiff and add to the previous mixture.
  13. We add the apples that we had reserved and the toasted almonds.
  14. Finally, we bake the preparation for 45 minutes. We will know that it is at the ideal point when it comes out clean when inserting a toothpick.

4. Puff Pastry Apple Pie

Of course, among the best homemade apple pie recipes, one with puff pastry could not be missing. It is a light and crisp dough with a delightful flavour.


  • 1 cup of honey (100 g)
  • And also, 3 medium apples
  • 4 and a half tablespoons of sugar (45 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of butter (60 g)
  • 1 rectangular sheet of chilled puff pastry.
  • To decorate icing sugar.


  1. To start, we preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
  2. With greaseproof paper, we line a baking tray.
  3. We roll out the puff pastry with a rolling pin on a surface greased with butter and floured.
  4. We cut the ragged edges and place them on the lined tray, prick the puff pastry dough with a fork in several points to inflate too much when baked.
  5. The apples, peeled and cored, will cut them into thin slices and distribute them throughout the dough.
  6. Next, we sprinkle them with sugar and spread the butter over the surface.
  7. And also, bake for 25 minutes or until the puff pastry is golden brown, and the apples are tender.
  8. In the microwave, we melt the honey for about 30 seconds. With it, we will glaze the cake and then let it bake for another 5 minutes.
  9. We remove the parchment paper and let it cool down to room temperature.
  10. To finish, we sprinkle with icing sugar.


Still not trying these homemade apple pie recipes? Please select the version that you like the most and enjoy it with your whole family.

Of course, moderate the portions you eat since you should not exceed calories.

If you have any special conditions, such as being overweight or diabetes, consult your nutritionist before trying these types of recipes.

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