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Are You Truly Healthy? Six Signs You’re On The Right Track

For many, trying to determine whether you are healthy or not can be an anxiety-inducing task. With so much pressure on us to stay in peak condition, and the societal stigma of poor health, it can almost seem as though having good health can be elusive. Nevertheless, paying attention to your body and treating it right is always an effort that is well-received, helping to ensure good health for you in the long term. However, it’s one thing to strive to be healthy, and it’s another one entirely to know if you are actually experiencing genuine good health.

How, then, can you tell if you’re truly healthy? Is the absence of disease the same as good health, or are there other indications you should be on the lookout for? While consulting with your doctor is always a good idea, fortunately, there are other reliable ways to tune into your body’s overall wellbeing. For instance, you can take a diagnostic multitest swab to check for illnesses and diseases. Or, if you prefer observing yourself first, here are six signs that will tell you if your health is on the right track.

Eating Habits

What you put in your body contributes significantly to your nutrition and health. For instance, experts say that your eating habits dramatically influence your risk of having diseases like stroke, Type 2 diabetes, and even heart disease. Eating right can easily lower these risks, though, as good nutrition helps your body by supplying vital vitamins and minerals. While diet fads may promise quick weight-loss results, a proper diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk foodstuffs, and a variety of lean protein foods that stays true to your daily calorie needs can boost your body’s wellness.

It may sound overly simplistic, but if you notice that you are eating enough (meaning you eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full) and your diet includes a wide variety of these nutrient-rich foods, then you are probably on the right track. If you feel satisfied after eating, and are not overly full or still hungry, it can suggest that you are doing something right. Remember, food isn’t your enemy. In fact, it is one of your most valuable allies regarding your health.

Sleep Behavior

Even though scientists still haven’t figured out the science behind why exactly we need sleep, they have discovered that sleeping well offers a vast array of benefits to our health. One theory suggests that sleep is a restorative process for the human body. In other words, it allows your body to repair and rejuvenate itself and plays an important role in your metabolism, memory, and other vital functions.

Conversely, not getting enough sleep affects both your body and appearance, so it is critical that you do get adequate rest at night. Eight hours of a good night’s sleep is recommended for every adult to function properly and be productive. If you wake up feeling super refreshed in the morning, it’s not just a sign that it’s a good day; it’s also a sign that you are most likely also healthy!

Physical Appearance

When you gaze in the mirror, what do you see? When considering your reflection, pay close attention to your hair, eyes, and nails. It may come off vain, but it’s really not! In fact, these physical features can be health indicators for everyone, and your outward appearance may hide secrets as to how good you’re looking on the inside, too.

Let’s start with your hair. If you have healthy, bouncy hair, it is likely a sign that you are in good health. Why? This is because it takes good nutrition (including a diet rich in B vitamins) to have full, lustrous hair. Meanwhile, clear eyes and strong nails are also important considerations to look out for. The eyes are openings to the soul, but they can also be a window to your overall health. Your nails, on the other hand, will also indicate strain, stress, and any other things that may be affecting your health.

Bouncy Skin

 Your skin also reveals a few hints as to your overall health. To determine if you have healthy skin, try to pinch it gently and see if it goes back to normal quickly. If it does, great! You are on the right track. Conversely, dry and brittle skin is an indicator of dehydration and vitamin deficiencies. If you have soft, supple, bouncy skin, it may mean that you’re doing something right. Drinking enough water and including green, leafy vegetables in your diet is a fantastic way to start your journey into having healthy skin and good general health.

Energy Levels

On any given day, do you usually feel like you can do just about anything that you want to do? If yes, you’re probably not just a superhero in the making — it also means you are also healthy! Your energy, whether it’s your physical or emotional energy, can be a strong indicator of good health. Ensuring the ability to do the things you want to do, without crushing fatigue, may suggest that your body is reaping the benefits of you having good health.

Mental Health

Aside from the physical signs of good health, another strong indicator of having good health is also your mental health. Often overlooked in our society, your mental health is incredibly important. Being able to deal with your emotions, learning how to set boundaries for yourself and others, knowing when to give yourself breaks, and having a steady social support from the people around you are good signs of a healthy person. Watching out for your mental health is something that will surely pay off in the end. A healthy mind is a healthy body, so having the right mindset will help you in the long run.

Rewarding Yourself with Good Health

Looking out for your health is a great way to take care of the body you live in. By taking the time to properly nourish yourself, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water, and focusing on your mental wellness, you can help ensure that you remain in optimal health throughout your life. Having good health equals a better life and clearer goals overall, ultimately setting you up and preparing you for a bright and happier future overall.