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7 Easy and Beautiful Braids Hairstyles

Braids are hairstyles that can favor a lot and make a look more sophisticated look easy.

To do these hairstyles, all you will need is your hands, some hair tie, and some hairpins.

They save from washing your hair at the last minute when there is no time to care for your hair correctly.

With a little creativity, nimble hands, a hair tie, and bobby pins, you too can look fabulous with some pretty braids.

What is the Preparation of Braids?



The appearance of the face depends a lot on the hairstyle you wear.

And also being skillful in choosing the most suitable for the shape of your face, your eyebrows, and your lips will make you feel and look beautiful.

People who enjoy their looks are said to be better able to achieve success in life, due to their confidence and optimism.

Well, you see, it depends on your hair type: straight hair should be dry before you start combing your hair.

On the other hand, if your hair tends more to curly, it is enough to dry a little with the towel.

However,  those who usually find more problems with braids are women with wavy hair.

Don’t worry; if this is your case, you need to leave it a little damp.

What are the 7 Easy Braids Hairstyles?

Next, we will tell you how you can make some hairstyles with braids.

But remember that there are many others that you can choose.

And also choose the one you like the most, take the test to see how you look and experiment! Have fun!

1. Fish Tail


fish tail


  • Firstly it is a hairstyle with a lot of fantasy, typical of the heroines of Game of Thrones.
  • But don’t panic! It’s straightforward to do and follow these steps carefully.
  • After detangling your hair well, take a strand of hair from the left side and another from the right.
  • And twist them to bring them to the center. Tie them up.
  • Repeat this same operation a little lower and join the two sides with the rubber.
  • Make a braid. And finally, open the loops; the degree of opening will depend on the ease you want to bring to the hairstyle.

2. Headband



  • If you like the hippie or boho look, this option is ideal for you. Useful and easy to do, it’s perfect for when we’re in a hurry.
  • Mark the beginning of the Braid with the comb and separate the selected strand into three parts.
  • Braid straight back, shaping it with small surrounding strands, and same with the other side.
  • Wrap the head with them, in the manner of the princesses, and attach them with hairpins.
  • Play to form the headband in different ways: from a casual look to an elegant headband. It’s all about creativity!

3. French Braid

French Braid

  • One of the traditional hairstyles that never go out of style. This classic image when they want to tend toward simplicity.
  • That’s not why you will stop looking beautiful with it.
  • To make the French Braid, we take a lock of hair from the crown. We divide it into three and begin to alternate it(to Braid).
  • As we descend in level, we have to add another strand on each side until we reach the ends.
  • You want to innovate a bit more, can create the Braid on one side of the head. It is suitable for special occasions.

4. Base Braid

Base Braid

  • Almost every woman in the West knows and does it. It is the base for all types of braids.
  • You have to divide the hair into three parts and move the strand from the right to the middle, then the left to the center.
  • It can be tied first in a ponytail and then braided or started from the nape.

5. Twist Braid

Twist Braid

  • Firstly it is the most straightforward Braid, but not all types of hair can style like this because as it is not so tight.
  • This Braid quickly falls apart if your hair is very thick and heavy.
  • First, you have to tie a ponytail, either high or low; then, it will be enough to divide into two sections and twist one side.
  • In the end, you have to tie the end of the Braid.

6. Dutch Braid

Dutch Braid


  • The procedure for this Braid is almost identical to that of the French Braid.
  • The only difference when combing is that the strands and sections are not passed over the top but under the other strands.
  • This small difference achieves a different effect as the braiding is “bulky,” standing out from the rest of the hair and the head.
  • And also as with the French Braid, you can experiment with looser, tighter, thinner, or thicker the strands for different looks.

7. Spike Braid

Spike Braid

  • This Braid makes using just two strands.
  • Two main parts of the hair divide, and then a small lock is taken from the right side to pass it over and join it to the left safety.
  • And also the same with the left side: a thin strand is taken, passed over the top to the right side, and joined the rest of the hair.
  • This Braid forms thinner sections that can look great in sleek hairstyles.


  1. You can combine any of these types of the Braid with pigtails or experiment by leaving them looser, tighter.
  2. Make two braids or take only a small section on the side and leave the rest of the hair open, form a headband.
  3. And also make several braids together, tighten the segments, and then loos it to give another effect.
  4. Anyway, once you’ve mastered the base braid types, you can experiment to achieve different hairstyles to suit your look for the day.

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