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Chicken Allergy : Definition, Symptoms, Risk Factors, and More

Chicken Allergy Definition

Chicken allergy not expect. They can source uncomfortable or dangerous symptoms in many people.

When you possess an allergy, the immune system misidentifies the allergen as a dangerous substance. Then your immune system creates antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IMG) to attack the importance.

This response can conduct many symptoms, ranging from light to severe. A chicken allergy can happen in people of any age. You can be allergic to chicken as a child and get over it.

You can also become allergic to live chickens or chicken meat after many years of not having allergic reactions. Some people with a chicken allergy are allergic to raw but uncooked chicken.

What are the Symptoms of Chicken Allergy?


If you are allergic to chicken, you may experience immediate symptoms after exposure, or symptoms may appear up to several hours later. Symptoms of a chicken allergy include:

  • Itchy, swollen, or watery eyes
  • Runny, itchy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Laboured breathing
  • Itchy, sore throat
  • Coughing or wheezing
  • Irritated, reddened skin, or an eczema-like rash
  • Skin itch
  • Urticaria
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhoea
  • Anaphylaxis

Its symptoms vary from mild to severe discomfort. They can worsen or decrease with exposure. Your symptoms should go away one time. You are no longer in contact with the chicken.

What are the Risk Factors for a Chicken Allergy?

If you have asthma or eczema, you are more likely to have food allergies, including an allergy to chicken. You may also be at risk for a chicken allergy if you are allergic:

  • Turkey
  • Goose
  • Duck
  • Pheasant
  • Partridge
  • Fish
  • Shrimp

Those people who are allergic to chicken are also allergic to eggs. It is known as bird egg syndrome. People with poultry egg syndrome are allergic to a substance found in the yolk of eggs and serum albumin from chicken.

If you have bird egg syndrome, you may also be at increased risk for an allergy to parakeets. If you are allergic to chicken, you may also be allergic to live chicken droppings, chicken feathers, and chicken feather dust.

This sensitivity can also extend to the feathers and droppings of other birds, such as turkeys.

Complications of a Chicken Allergy

chicken allergy

You can mistake a chicken allergy for a cold. Many of the symptoms, such as a runny nose and a sore throat, are the same. You may also experience an upset stomach as your body tries to remove the allergen from your system.

The most severe complication is anaphylaxis. It is a severe whole-body reaction that requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms of anaphylaxis include:

  • Fast heartbeat
  • A sudden drop in blood pressure
  • Heart palpitations
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Panting
  • Swelling of the throat air passages
  • Slurred speech
  • Swollen tongue
  • Swollen lips
  • Blue tint around the lips, fingers, or toes
  • And also, Loss of consciousness.

You have ever had an anaphylactic reaction, and your doctor will prescribe an EpiPen for you to bring at all times. The EpiPen is a self-injectable form of epinephrine. It can save your life in an allergic emergency.

However, it does not eliminate the need for follow-up medical support. Call your doctor if you have needed to use an EpiPen for anaphylaxis.

Avoids of Chicken Allergic

  • If you are allergic to chicken, you will want to avoid it in everything you eat.
  • Be wary of dishes that contain chicken broth, a usual ingredient in soups. And also, chicken becomes famous as a substitute for red meat, so you can find it ground up like hamburger meat.
  • Confirm the meatballs, chilli, and meatloaf you eat are chicken-free before you dig.
  • If you are allergic to chicken feathers, duvets, or pillows that contain goose down can cause an allergic reaction both at home and while travelling.
  • Hypoallergenic pillows do not contain down. Before taking any vaccine, discuss your allergy with your doctor.
  • Specific vaccines can trigger an allergic reaction, such as the yellow fever vaccine, which contains chicken protein. If you have bird egg syndrome, you may not be able to get a live flu vaccine.
  • You also want to take extra precautions if you visit a zoo or pet farm, especially if you are allergic to live chickens.

When Should you See your Doctor?

  • You suspect you have a chicken allergy. It is an excellent plan to speak with your doctor.
  • They recommend an over-the-counter antihistamine to treat your symptoms or an elimination diet to determine.
  • The chicken is causing your symptoms. When your allergic reactions are severe, your doctor can work with you to safely manage your allergy.
  • And also, you experience anaphylaxis, seek medical immediately, even use an EpiPen. It is due to the risk of the second phase of symptoms that do not respond to epinephrine.

What is the Perspective of Chicken Allergic?

  • Life with a chicken allergy can be possible. You informed of what you are eating and what other allergic triggers, such as chicken feathers, may be lurking in your environment.
  • If you avoid chicken, you will remain symptom-free.
  • A medical professional, such as an allergist, help you manage your symptoms and prescribe medications that can help you accidentally trigger your allergy.

Food Substitutes of Chicken Allergic

chicken allergy

Avoiding chicken is possible. Try these simple substitutes:

  • Substitute chicken for tofu chunks in soups and stir-fries.
  • And also, use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth.
  • And also, use beef or soy protein products in place of chicken cutlets in potatoes or stews.
  • Experiment with another origin of protein, such as fish, pork, or beans.
  • Try using the same seasonings that you would use on the chicken, but adjust the protein source’s cooking time.