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What is Detox Diet? – Definition, Causes, Myths, and More

Detox Diet Definition

A detox diet is a dietary regimen involving a change in consumption habits in detoxifying the body by removing toxins or other contaminants.

But they have in common that they provide a meager amount of calories to the body.

There are toxins in food and in the environment that require various detoxification mechanisms in the liver.

People who decide to follow a detox diet must consume fruit and vegetable preparations.

It complements commercial products (often with high prices) that provide different nutrients, such as antioxidants.

Also, they restrict meat, dairy, eggs, and fish from their diet, among others.

What are the Causes of the Detox Diet?

1. Malnutrition



  • Vegetables and fruits have a large number of vitamins and minerals.
  • There are many essential nutrients that we only find in other food groups, such as proteins or omega-three fatty acids, among others.

2. Dehydration



  • It is consuming products with a diuretic and laxative effect.

3. Hyponatremia

  • When excess fluids are drunk, there is an unusually low dilution of sodium and other minerals in the blood.
  • It can lead to various physiological complications: brain edema, kidney failure, heart failure, etc.

4. Loss Of Muscle Mass

Loss Of Muscle Mass


  • With which we reduce our metabolism. At this point, seen adds that a hypocaloric diet must provide a sufficient amount of protein.
  • It prevents muscle loss and other problems.
  • In addition to proteins, they can be deficient in other nutrients, such as zinc and calcium, among others.
  • For these reasons, experts agree that carrying out a detox diet is not recommended for anyone.
  • It should not carry out due to the malnutrition it generates.

Myths and Truths of Detox Diets

detox diet


  1. December is a time of year when eating well becomes a concern for many.
  2. The main reason is cultural, since both the Christmas and New Year parties. It creates an environment in which you eat and drink excessively.
  3. Therefore, you have to “prepare the body” before and after those two dates.
  4. Faced with this situation, many people choose to do a “detox diet,” a low-carbohydrate diet based on the intake of juices, herbal teas, raw fruits, and vegetables.
  5. The goal is to arrive with less belly and try to detoxify due to the supposed amount of food that will eat.
  6. It is usually used the days before and after the holidays
  7. Dishes rich in carbohydrates, fats, and sugars are the stars of the table.
  8. For this reason, those who exclude certain foods from their diet often tempt. When it comes to eating, and that is where excesses begin to appear.
  9. As is known, prohibiting the intake of certain foods does not help at all, on the contrary.
  10. It generates a desire that is difficult to stop. Every time a person consumes food in excess and for a short period.
  11. It makes is more desire and lack of control for that product.

Why is Detox Diet not Advisable?

All this does not mean that taking juice is terrible; the bad thing is to do days that only consume.

It is best to moderate to try to avoid snacking and excessive portions.

– The function of detoxifying is not fulfilled by food, but by the liver and kidney (they filter and eliminate toxins).

– Using this method can be risky since eating fewer carbohydrates and nutrients increase hunger and anxiety.

– Excesses produce because the foods to eat are usually high in fat and sugar.

– The body can lose fluid and muscle mass.

– When you resume healthy eating, the lost weight quickly regains, and sometimes there is a rebound effect.

Is Detox Diet Good for Health?

The Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN) points out that eating a balanced diet. It rich in foods of plant origin is beneficial for health.

However, they insist that the beneficial effect of detox regimens not prove.

It evaluates the efficacy of these guidelines in humans and, in general, the methodological quality is not adequate.

It carries out in animals with very different variables and doses, so these results cannot extrapolate to humans.

There is no scientific evidence to support detox diets to promote the elimination of toxins or maintenance weight.

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