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CBD Oil: Is it a Good Dog Health Supplement?

CBD (cannabidiol) and the use thereof has experienced a rise in popularity and discussion over the past few years. Its uses include the treatment of pain, anxiety and depression, amongst other conditions. It has also been effectively prescribed to cancer patients to relieve their pain.  More recently, people have been asking whether the efficacy of CBD oil could also apply to their furry friends and the research and results so far has been very promising.

How Can CBD Oil Benefit My Dog?

Dog owners often refer to their pets as their “fur babies” and those that can relate will most likely agree that seeing their pet in pain or physical discomfort, will warrant the same reaction as a parent seeing their human child in distress.

We know our canine friends can suffer from the same medical conditions that humans do and it stands to reason that these could also be treated symptomatically by using natural powerhouse.

Below is a brief list of conditions in dogs that can be treated or relieved by administering CBD oil:

  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis
  • Epileptic fits and seizures
  • Cancer related symptoms
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Depression

Doggy depression is a real thing and affects many canines because of a variety of reasons.

Overall Doggy Wellness

CBD oil has shown to be effective not only for the above conditions, but also for overall improved holistic wellness in dogs’ health and lifestyle.

Overall benefits included:

  • Healthy appetite
  • Reduced aggression
  • Improved coat and skin health
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Vitamin and mineral-rich

Will Using CBD Make My Dog High?

Don’t worry! You will not be involuntarily turning your pet into a “stoner pup”! Cannabidiol is the natural chemical that can be found in the cannabis plant and WILL NOT cause your dog to become ‘high’. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive cannabinoid that causes the high that most people equate to the use of marijuana and it is not the same as CBD.

Is It Safe To Use On My Dog?

Anecdotal evidence has shown that CBD is not only safe to use, but also good for your doggy’s overall health. These positive results have caused an increase in options in the market for dog-owners to choose from.

Large scale research regarding the use of CBD on pets still have a way to go and its use has not yet been officially approved as a medical treatment in many countries. Even in countries where the use of medical cannabis has officially been approved for prescription to humans, it has not been the case for animals. However, small studies have shown positive results.

Scientific research is still in its early phases and many Veterinarians do not officially prescribe CBD oil as a treatment for dogs, however, studies in humans have shown positive results of cannabinoids for the treatment of various conditions. Anecdotal evidence has shown improvement in dogs with similar conditions. It is recommended that you consult your vet, should you consider giving your dog CBD oil.

Check out this site for insight on CBD oil from a veterinarian.

CBD Oil Is it a Good Dog Health Supplement

How Can CBD Oil Be Administered To A Dog?

As with any new treatment, it is recommended that you introduce CBD oil into your dog’s diet slowly and in small quantities. Monitor your dog’s reaction to it and slowly increase the dose if necessary. Be sure to follow any guidelines stipulated by the product provider and ensure you buy your product from a reputable brand. Generally, dosage is based on the size and weight of your dog.

CBD oil can be ingested or applied as a cream, however, the ingesting method has proven to be more effective. Products also come in various flavours such and bacon and steak, which your dog is bound to approve of.

Keep an eye out for any negative side-effects in your dog:

  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive panting
  • Loss of balance

Consult a veterinarian urgently if you notice any of the above signs or any other sign to cause concern.

Where Can I Find Pet-Friendly CBD Products?

It is important to note that cannabidiol oil products for dogs are not similar to those for humans, the main difference being the concentration. Pet products that can be bought from reputable brands, have had all or most of the THC (the psychoactive component) removed and they have also been distilled and refined to suit a dog’s needs and health.

If you are considering introducing some of the products to your canine, do some research on the various brands available, as they can vary in value (pricing versus product) and customer experience.

Here is a link to a product provider that offers CBD products in various forms, all developed to suit your dog’s taste:

The most credible manufacturers’ products are preservative- and additive-free, and contains zero gluten, dairy or GMOs. Their products are full of amino acids, vitamins and nutrients – making it an easy choice for pro-organic pet owners.

If you are a pet lover, you know that dogs can be your best friend, cuddle buddy, loyal housemate and source of comfort, loyalty and unconditional love. Who would not want to take care of their canine companion in the best possible way? When you know that you can improve the overall health of your best friend, the effort of researching and finding the best-suited product is but a small step to ensuring a happy and healthy pooch!