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Knee Pain – 10 Home Remedies to Relieve Knee Pain, and More

Knee pain is one of the common issues for many people. And it is not surprising. Throughout the day, our knees do significant work walking, running, going up, and downstairs.

Of course, knee pain is unpleasant, but it’s not the end of the world. In this article, the brilliant Side brings you 10 remedies that will be your allies for fighting this pain.

However, these are the home remedies that can be made in home. If you want to go for a more simple way, you can simply opt for Exogun DreamPro, a quick muscle recovery tool that you can use to massage your muscles to get rid of pain. This tool is effective in preventing any kind of muscle damage, fatigue or soreness and is used for faster recovery post workout. Used by renowned athletes, Exogun delivers the ultimate recovery!

Top 10 Home Remedies to Relieve Knee Pain

knee pain

1. Pineapple, Cinnamon, and Oatmeal Smoothie

Pineapple carries an extract called bromelain, which has some strong anti-inflammatory effects and can help you fight pain.


  • One glass of water,
  • 1 cup of instant oatmeal,
  • One tsp of honey,
  • 3 cups of pineapple chunks,
  • One cup of natural orange juice,
  • 5 grams of cinnamon powder and,
  • Finally, 42 grams of crushed almonds.


  1. Start by boiling the water, add oatmeal and cook it, stirring gently. Blend the pineapple into juice, then add orange, honey, cinnamon, and almonds.
  2. Without stopping the blender, slowly pour in the cooked oatmeal. When the final smoothie does, add some ice, and voila!
  3. Take it on a vacant stomach before breakfast.

2. Coconut Oil

  • If you have arthritis, coconut oil has been an essential part of your treatment. It gives particularly excellent and long-lasting results in the battle with this mess, but it also works wonders for any knee pain you may want an incident.
  • It contains numerous fatty acids, which are essential natural lubricants and also have surprising anti-inflammatory properties.
  • That is why coconut oil reduces inflammation and decreases suffering. Use a cup of coconut oil and heat till it becomes lukewarm.
  • Then mildly massage the affected knee with the oil. It is best to do this procedure before going to bed to feel much better and healthier in the morning.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Due to its excellent alkalizing effect, this vinegar dissolves toxins within the knee joints and significantly better your condition. There are a pair of ways to use it. The easiest thing is to mix it with water.


  • Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and
  • 2 cups of water.


  1. Drink this mixture slowly per day for a whole week. It will aid you in dealing with pain and recovery.
  2. Another object you can do is add a little olive oil and massage your knee.
  3. Mix with apple cider vinegar in equal proportions and gently apply to the knee in circular motions, once a day for at least a week. The pain will go away.

4. Ginger

Ginger has many anti-inflammatory compounds that relieve swelling and help your knee heal. As with apple cider vinegar, you can eat it or massage your knee with it.


  • A ginger root,
  • Honey,
  • Lemon juice, and
  • And also, a cup of water.


  1. Press the ginger root, add water, and boil for 10 minutes. Then strain and add a little honey and lemon juice.
  2. Drink the final mixture daily for over a week, and your condition will better.
  3. Another method to do this is to massage your knee with ginger oil. Try doing this 2 or 3 times a day until you start to feel better.

5. Lemons

  • Citric acid is especially beneficial for some types of arthritis. For this next recipe, you will require sesame oil as well.
  • It will further enhance the benefits of lemons as it relieves chronic pain and effectively uses muscle spasms.
  • Therefore, a lemon cut into small pieces and tie it to a cotton cloth. Dip the fabric in hot sesame oil and place it on your knee for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Try to do this at least two times a day, and the pain will go away.

6. Carrots

  • The carrots strengthen ligaments and, consequently, accelerate the healing process and act on the problem’s root cause.
  • All you have to do is grate two carrots, add lemon juice, and eat it raw. Another great variant is carrot juice.
  • It is instrumental in healing the knee joint. Consume it two times a day for at minimum a week, and say goodbye to knee pain.

7. Turmeric

  • Turmeric is a  superfood high in vitamins and with anti-inflammatory power. Take a tbs of turmeric and add it to a litre of already boiling water.
  • Boil for ten more minutes, and voila! You can drink it once it cools down. Don’t forget to consume it daily to get the best results you can.

8. Mustard Oil

  • This oil promotes blood flow and therefore reduces pain and reduces inflammation. Mustard oil massages are excellent for knee healing.
  • All you have to do is heat the oil a little and massage your knee with it.
  • Repeat this procedure twice a week.

9. Red Pepper

  • One of the ingredients in red pepper is capsaicin, known for its calming effects.
  • You can take two tbs of this pepper, a cup of olive oil and mix it. Apply in the outcome blend on the affected area.

10. Eucalyptus Oil

  • This oil is an analgesic natural. You can mix a little drop of this oil with as many peppermint oils and rub the affected area with that paste.
  • After an hour, you may observe a reduction in pain.

When to See A Doctor

knee pain

You can treat many sources of knee pain at home, but some will require medical attention.

Touch your doctor if you notice any of the following:

  • Severe pain and swelling
  • Deformity or severe bruising
  • Symptoms in other parts of the body
  • Symptoms that persist longer than a few days or get worse instead of better
  • Other health problem that could complicate healing
  • And also, signs of infection, such as a fever.

Your doctor will carry away a physical examination. They may do many tests, such as a blood test or an X-ray.

Whether you have a shape that requires medical help, the sooner you have an assessment, and start treatment, the better outlook you’re likely to have.


knee pain is unpleasant, but it’s not the end of the world. And also, the brilliant Side brings you 10 remedies that will be your allies for fighting this pain.

Whether you have a shape that requires medical help, the sooner you have an assessment, and start treatment, the better outlook you’re likely to have.

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