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What is Kalonji? – Definition, Benefits, Properties, and More

Kalonji Definition

Kalonji also is known as black seeds, and black cumin, is a yearly flowering plant that can grow 8–35 inches (20–90 cm) tall.

Its fruits contain numerous black seeds traditionally used in Southeast Asian. It treats diseases and conditions like diabetes, pain, and digestive tract problems.

The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, even trusts the seeds that could remedy all diseases except death.

Today, kalonji seeds and oil contain active compounds called phytochemicals, including phytosterols. These demonstrate a wide range of therapeutic benefits, including weight loss.

What are the Health Benefits of Kalonji?

1. Fights Acne

Fights Acne

  • Kalonji oil and sweet lime juice together can fix some skin problems. For each cup of sweet lime juice, you’ll need about half a tsp of oil.
  • Apply oil two times a day on your face and watch your blemishes and acne disappear. If you remain pure kalonji oil handy, you can use it to treat cracked heels as well.

2. Keeps a Check on Diabetes

  • It is probably one of the essential benefits of kalonji. If you already have diabetes, kalonji oil also helps to control it.
  • And also take half a tsp of the oil in a cup of black tea every morning, and see the difference in a few weeks.

3. Increases Memory and Alleviates Asthma

  • And also take kalonji seeds with a small bit of honey to boost memory. And you this mix in warm water and drink it.
  • It also helps in alleviating breathe trouble (Asthma included) in children and adults alike. And also but it would help if you did this is for at least 45 days and avoid cold beverages and food during the period.

4. Gets Rid of Headaches


  • One of the typical urban problems in today’s period is headaches.
  • Instead of taking a pill, rub kalonji oil on your forehead, relax, and wait for your invisible of headache. And also nothing like natural home remedies!

5. Aids Weight Loss

  • The warm water, honey, and lemon combination often recommend for those on a diet. Now add a pinch of powdered kalonji to this mix and see how it works.
  • And also many health enthusiasts claim that kalonji seeds are a miracle ingredient that helps shed those extra kilos.

6. Joint Pain

Joint Pain

  • It’s an older treatment; take a handful of kalonji seeds, and heat it with mustard oil. And also once the oil is smoking, off the flame, take out, and cool down for a bit.
  • And also oil is ready when you want to take a dip the tip of a finger into the oil. Now, this oil uses to massage the inflamed joint.

7. Controls Blood Pressure

  • Those people suffer from or tend to high blood pressure. It can drink half a tsp of kalonji oil with warm water to keep hypertension under control.
  • And also, of course, advised following a proper diet along with it.

8. Protects the Kidney


  • Kidney stones are a common urban problem. It says that half a teaspoon of kalonji oil had two teaspoons of honey, and warm water can help eliminate kidney pain, stones, and infections.
  • But also need to consult a doctor to get a proper diet.

9. Makes Teeth Stronger

  • Did you know that kalonji has traditionally used to take care of dental trouble as swelling or bleeding of gums and weak teeth?
  • Of course, you need to constant a dentist, but you can also massage your teeth with curd and some kalonji oil twice a day to strengthen your gums.

10. Strengthens Immunity

Strengthens Immunity

  • Take kalonji oil, honey, and warm water have more than one benefit. Apart from the ones already mentioned, it also helps to strengthen your Immunity if consumed daily.
  • Suppose you add kalonji oil in boiling water and inhale the fumes. And also it also reduces nasal congestion and helps those who suffer from sinusitis problems.

Culinary Uses of Kalonji

You can put them kalonji in salads, stews, or purees, for example. And also you can also make tea by adding boiling water on top of the seeds and letting it steep for ten minutes.

They are also present in the oil to treat psoriasis and eczema or facial creams to soften the complexion.

Properties of Kalonji


  • The grain and the oil of Nigella Sativa produce an essential positive effect on health because they contain about 100 components:
  • Aromatic oils, vitamins, enzymes, essential fatty acids, phosphate, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates, carotenes, antacid enzymes, painkillers, and stimulants.
  • It contains active anti-infective substances, which increase the immune response, destroying all viruses, fungi, microbes, parasites, and bacteria.
  • It also increases uric acid elimination and is a powerful antioxidant and bronchodilator.
  • Kalonji is a rich source of fatty acids. These ingredients play a crucial role in everyday health and wellness.
  • They help regulate metabolism, eliminate toxins from the body, balance insulin levels, regulate cholesterol, and improve circulation and liver functions.
  • Kalonji contains 58% fatty acids, most of which are omega 3 and 6. And also these requirements for the formation of prostaglandin E1 with anti-inflammatory and analgesic functions.
  • It contains a significant percentage of proteins, carbohydrates, essential fatty oils, linoleic acid, oleic acid, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium niacin, and vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, and vitamin C.

Possible Side Effects of Kalonji

  1. Use of kalonji oil when used in amounts more significant than those typically found in food.
  2. However, there is some evidence that applying the oil directly to the skin can cause an allergic rash (known as allergic contact dermatitis) in some people.
  3. According to one report, a component of black seed oil known as melamine can be toxic in large amounts.
  4. This oil can slow blood clotting and the risk of bleeding. You are suffering from a bleeding mess or taking medications that affect blood clotting; you should not take kalonji oil.
  5. There is some treat that taking too much oil could damage the liver and kidneys.
  6. This oil may interact with many common medications, such as beta-blockers and warfarin (Coumadin). Stop taking oil at least two weeks before your surgery schedule.
  7. Pregnant women (or women trying to get pregnant) and breastfeeding women should not use kalonji oil.
  8. And also ask your doctor if you are considering taking the oil. You have not stopped any medications without talking doctor suggestion, or delay or avoid conventional treatment.


Kalonji is a plant from the seeds traditionally used to treat diabetes, pain, and digestive tract problems, among other diseases and conditions.

It may be useful for weight loss when combined with a low-calorie diet. It may also promote heart health and lower blood sugar levels with type 2 diabetes.

And also more research needs to confirm these promising health benefits. Kalonji appears to be safe for most people.

Also Read: What is Diabetes? – Definition, Causes, Types, Symptoms, and More