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Keratin – Definition, Benefits, Types, Best 12 Foods, and More

Keratin Definition

Keratin is a protein initiate in skin, hair, and nails. It helps us protect these parts of the body from environmental aggressions (pathogenic bacteria, fungi, UV radiation, etc.). The lack of keratin slows down hair growth and weakens the existing one.

The best way to guarantee adequate keratin levels is through food, especially those containing minerals, vitamins, and proteins.

What are the Benefits of Keratin?

The main benefits of keratin as a beauty supplement are:

1. Skin


  • In the skin, keratin performs a waterproofing, protecting, and strengthening function.
  • It helps to preserve or regain its elasticity and firmness, at the same time that it collaborates in cell regeneration.
  • This protein and its soluble derivatives, conceived as a nutraceutical or oral beauty supplement, help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, promoting skin health.

2. Hair


  • We continued the use of dryers and irons, aggressive chemical treatments such as straightening or certain dyes. And environmental factors such as pollution or pollution.
  • It affects the quality of the hair, causing its progressive deterioration. The cuticle – made up of keratin cells – swells and opens, modifying the hair structure, which becomes porous, dry, fragile, and brittle.
  • The keratin protects the inside of the hair factors, increasing their strength and improve their -Brightness appearance, color, etc. and, in general, quality.
  • Also, it stimulates the growth of healthy hair. This trial finds that dietary supplements in capsules with keratin plus other active compounds, such as L-cystine (or cystine, an amino acid that is part of keratin ) and medicinal yeast.  It influenced hair growth in women after 6 months of treatment.

3. Nails


  • Strengthens the nails, giving them rigidity and resistance. It also helps to maintain a healthy appearance, that is, smooth and of a uniform color.
  • In this study, 2 capsules daily of a supplement composed of keratin ( Cynatine HNS; bioactive hydrolyzed keratin, more bioavailable) administer together with micronutrients that act in synergy.
  • Vitamins (vitamins of group B such as vitamin B3, B6, vitamin B9 or folate, biotin or vitamin H, and vitamin C or ascorbic acid ) and minerals (selenium and zinc), for 90 days.
  • The supplement of keratin shows to improve hair in terms of growth, strength, amino acid composition, or nail shine.

What are the Types of Keratin?

The keratin classifies into two families:

1. Alpha-Keratin

With disulfide bridges, give it toughness. It is found mostly in the hair and nails, also in the horns and other aspects of mammalian animals.

2. Beta-Keratin

It is inextensible or inflexible, with few cross-links through disulfide bridges. It is present in scales, claws, beaks, feathers of reptiles and birds, and highly resistant materials such as spider web or silk.

How to Take or Use of Keratin?


  1. Keratin supplements in oral tablet or capsule form are joint, such as Ultra HNS from Douglas Laboratories, with Cynatine HNS, antioxidant vitamins, and minerals.
  2. In the hair’s specific case, most big brands dedicated to hair care have keratin hairlines.
  3. We find shampoos with vegetable keratin, such as the Phytokératine repairing shampoo from Phyto, a brand that also offers cream, masks, and hair serum with hyaluronic acid.
  4. 500 mg/day is the dose used by oral supplementation in scientific studies and, therefore, we know that it is safe and effective.
  5. In several of the supplements suggested here, this dose cover with 2 capsules of 250 mg of soluble or solubilized keratin per day.

Precautions, Contraindications, and Side Effects of Keratin

Before taking a keratin supplement or supplement, check with your doctor or pharmacist if:

  • You are going to take some medication for possible interaction.
  • They will perform a diagnostic test (blood, urine, etc.) for possible interference that alters the test results.
  • You are pregnant – or intend to become pregnant – or breastfeeding as a precaution.
  • Caution also in case of allergies or food sensitivities. Some beauty supplements with keratin may contain yeast, wheat gluten, or soy protein.
  • If the supplement includes cystine, do not take if you suffer from cystinosis (a hereditary disease characterized by the accumulation of cystine crystals in the kidney, cornea, or other tissues).

Finally, it should mention that in hair straightening treatments.

Keratin can cause allergic reactions due to the presence of formaldehyde (or formaldehyde).

Which can even be toxic to the body – and other aldehydes, causing itching, dermatitis, eczema, or other skin problems.

If you suffer from skin allergies or have sensitive skin, consult your dermatologist before applying a keratin treatment.

Best 12 Foods Contain Keratin


Here are 12 foods that promote keratin production.

1. Eggs

  • Eating eggs is a beautiful way to boost keratin production naturally.
  • They a great source of biotin, an essential nutrient involves in keratin synthesis. Cooked egg provides 10 mcg of this nutrient or 33% of the Daily Value (DV).
  • Eggs protein promotes keratin production, 6 grams of protein-packed into one large, 50-gram egg.
  • Other healthy nutrients in this ubiquitous food include selenium, riboflavin, and vitamins A and B12.

2. Onions

  • Onions not only significant flavoring for favorite dishes but also ramping up keratin production.
  • This allium vegetable is exceptionally high in N-acetylcysteine, a plant antioxidant that your body converts into an amino acid called L-cysteine, keratin.
  • And also, onions provide folate, an essential micronutrient necessary for maintaining healthy hair follicles.

3. Salmon

  • Salmon is overflow with protein, packing nearly 17 grams per 3-ounce (85-gram) serving.
  • It’s also an excellent source of biotin, another essential nutrient that supports keratin production. Totally 3 ounces (85 grams) of canned salmon contains 5 mcg or 17% of the DV.
  • This fish is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, a heart-healthy fat shown to help improve hair growth, enhance hair density, and protect against hair loss when used in supplement form.

4. Sweet Potatoes

  • Besides being one of the most vibrant vegetables, sweet potatoes are highly nutritious and great for promoting keratin production.
  • They’re exceptionally high in provitamin A carotenoids. And also, Provitamin A carotenoids like beta carotene convert into vitamin A in the body.
  • A medium sweet potato (about 150 grams) provides 1,150 mcg — over 100% of the DV — of provitamin A. Vitamin A promotes keratin synthesis and essential for skin and hair health.

5. Sunflower Seeds

  • Sunflower seeds are savory, satisfying, and flavorful.
  • They’re also a significant source of both biotin and protein to support keratin production. A total 1/4 cup (35 grams) offers 7 grams of protein and 2.6 mcg of biotin — 9% of the DV.
  • These seeds are rich in a variety of other micronutrients, including vitamin E, copper, selenium, and pantothenic acid.

6. Mangoes

  • Mangoes are a tasty way to crush extra nutrients into your diet while supporting keratin synthesis.
  • This tropical fruit is packed with provitamin A, with 89 mcg — nearly 10% of the DV — in each cup (165 grams).
  • And also, mangoes are high in several other vital nutrients for skin and hair health, such as vitamin C and folate.

7. Garlic

  • Garlic boasts many of N-acetylcysteine, which your body turns into L-cysteine — an amino acid found in keratin. It may aid skin health.
  • For instance, one test-tube study found that garlic extract protected keratinocyte cells responsible for keratin production from ultraviolet damage.
  • And also, Allium vegetables may promote wound healing, fight microbial infections, and slow aging signs.
  • And also, garlic boasts many beneficial micronutrients, including manganese, vitamin B6, and vitamin C.

8. Papaya

  • Rich in vitamin A (directly linked to keratin production), papaya is essential for the renewal and recovery of tissues, helping to keep the skin elastic and smoother. It also helps in the fight against acne.

9. Kale

  • Kale is known for its impressive nutrient profile.
  • This leafy green vegetable is a significant source of provitamin A to support keratin synthesis, boasting 50 mcg in just 1 raw cup (21 grams), about 6% of the DV.
  • It’s also a significant source of vitamin C, a water-soluble nutrient that doubles as an antioxidant.
  • This vitamin likewise helps stimulate collagen production, a type of protein that maintains the strength, structure, and elasticity of your skin.

10. Beef Liver

  • Beef liver is one of the most intensive biotin sources, making it a great choice if you’re looking to naturally ramp up keratin production.
  • Totally 3 ounces (85 grams) of cooked beef liver packs 31 mcg of biotin, exceeding your daily needs at 103% of the DV.
  • Plus, the same amount of beef liver provides an incredible 24.5 grams of protein and 7,960 mcg of vitamin A — a whopping 884% of the DV.
  • And also, beef liver is an excellent source of other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12, folate, riboflavin, and iron.

11. Cabbage

  • They contain sulfur, vitamin C (53.3 mg), and protein (2.47 g). Cooked cabbage contains 36.4 calories.
  • It also loads with nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese, dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, and iron.

12. Carrots

  • Carrots are the most nutritious root vegetable closely related to celery, parsley, and parsnips.
  • It high contains in provitamin A, 1,070 mcg in 1 chopped cup (128 grams). That’s over 100% of the DV.
  • They also loaded with vitamin C, promoting collagen synthesis to support hair, skin, and nail health. This vitamin aids wound healing, alleviates inflammation and protects against skin damage.
  • And also, carrots offer plenty of biotins, vitamin B6, potassium, and vitamin K1.


It is a protein that boosts the health of your hair, skin, and nails. Many particular nutrients are essential for keratin synthesis, including protein, biotin, and vitamin A.

And also, enjoying a balanced diet filled with foods rich in these nutrients can help promote your body’s production.

Not only do these foods enhance hair, skin, and nail health, but also rich in many other beneficial nutrients