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Migraine – Definition, The Best 24 Home Remedies, and More

Migraine Definition

Migraine is a primary headache; that is, it is not due to any physical cause. Despite this, many people believe that blood vessels contract. The brain decides to turn on the headache injured or anything broken inside the head.

Thus, the origin of your pain is a brain decision, in part due to the characteristics of sensitive people. Therefore none of the natural painkillers will deactivate your migraine symptoms.

Therefore, the solution to eliminate and reduce the intensity and frequency of pain is to teach your brain not to turn on the pain signal, introducing cognitive-behavioral changes. Change what you think and what you do in front of those events that you do not like.

The Best 24 Home Remedies for Migraine


1. Lavender Oil

When to Take

  • In the middle of a crisis or preventively to reduce the frequency of headaches, especially if you have a tension headache.
  • Lavender is one of the best known natural remedies to remove frequent headaches.

How to Take

  1. There are many conducts to use lavender oil naturally.
  2. It recommends using lavender oil as aromatherapy, scenting wardrobes and rooms.
  3. It can also use by diluting a few drops of essential oil in water, dropping a towel in the scented water, and inserting it on the forehead.
  4. Another selection is to heat water and add a few drops of the essential oil to later breathe in steam as a natural remedy to remove frequent headaches.

Why is it Recommended?

  • Lavender essential oil knows for its calming ability.
  • Therefore, it recommends applying directly to the head, seeking to calm down when the crisis has already begun.
  • It is one of the best-known home remedies for headaches.

2. Fish Oil

When to Take

  • It preventively if you have frequent headaches.

How to Take

  1. One or two capsules a day. To fully obtain the benefits of fish, it is more advisable and healthy to eat fish rich in omega 3 directly if you have a headache.
  2. Foods rich in omega 3 so that you can take them naturally are:
  • Fatty fish: tuna, sardines, or mackerel.
  • Seeds and nuts: walnuts, flaxseed, and chia.
  • Oils and fats: olive oil and salmon.

Why is it Recommended?

  • The benefits of fish oil described are that it strengthens cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure.
  • Its pain is independent of blood pressure, so it would not have a direct action on it.
  • Despite this, it is very beneficial to eat naturally and correctly and eat foods rich in healthy fats.

3. Water

When to Take

  • Throughout the day to prevent headaches.

How to Take

  1. You beverage about 8 glasses of water per daytime.
  2. You can also eat foods that are high in water naturally, like watermelon.

Why is it Recommended?

  • Drinking water recommends because dehydration is responsible for migraines and that drinking and hydrating will decrease migraines and tension headaches.
  • You may have a headache due to dehydration since the brain has high water content, but the lack of water is not responsible for migraines.

4. Warm Foot Bath

When to do

  • You experience the first symptoms of its attack.

How to do

  1. Fill a container that allows you to fully introduce your feet with hot water between 38 and 44 degrees.
  2. You can add salt to it.

Why is it Recommended?

  • Its relaxing properties and naturally move part of the blood supply to the feet to calm the pain.

5. Coffee

When to Take

  • Its use as a home remedy against migraines between attacks and also before them.

How to Take

  • Quickly run hot water under pressure through the crushed coffee.

Why is it Recommended?

  • Due to the belief that it has a vascular origin and caffeine has a vasodilator effect, it is for this reason that its consumption recommends.
  • Some people say that coffee naturally relieves headaches, and others instead cause headaches.

6. Cinnamon Powder

When to Take

  • An infusion of cinnamon takes when the pain begins, and the injection compresses when the pain has already started.

How to Take

  • Making a fine paste of two tablespoons of cinnamon with water and applying it to the temples and forehead is a natural remedy to get rid of frequent headaches.

Why is it Recommended?

  • It relieves pain.

7. Banana Peel

When to Apply

  • It takes in the middle of a migraine attack.

How to Apply

  1. You have to put a little alcohol on the clean banana peel.
  2. Place the skin on the forehead for 30 minutes and tie it with a handkerchief.

Why is it Recommended?

  • As with watermelon, I do not know why this use, but some websites suggest that it absorbs toxins, although it does not define the process.

8. Watermelon Rind

When to Take

  • It takes in the middle of a migraine attack.

How to Take

  • A portion of watermelon rind on your temples and to come for the pain to subside.

Why is it Recommended?

  • Despite looking for it, I am unaware of its role among natural pain relievers in reducing headache symptoms.

9. Cabbage Leaf

When to Take

  • It takes in the middle of a migraine attack.

How to Take

  1. With a knife, cut the cabbage leaf’s nerves and apply it directly to the forehead and temples for 20 minutes.
  2. Then you will sign that the cabbage leaf will be hot and your head more refreshed.
  3. You can rub on this remedy as numerous times as you need it.

Why is it Recommended?

  • Cabbage leaves have natural anti-inflammatory substances that many people use as a strategy to reduce headache symptoms.

10. Ice

When to Take

  • When the headache accompanies by a rise in temperature or a sensation of heat in the head.

How to Take

  1. Fill an ice pack and place it on his head.
  2. You can also immerse a towel in cold water and place it on your forehead or the back of your neck.
  3. Another recommended choice is to place an ice pack on your feet’ soles for 30 minutes to an hour.
  4. The area of this remedy is to divert the blood flow from the head to the feet.

Why is it Recommended?

  • The frozen water may temporarily relieve uncomfortable feelings of warmth in the head naturally to reduce headaches.

11. Ginger

When to Take

  • It recommends to take it just when the aura begins.

How to Take

  1. It should dilute a third of a teaspoon of powdered ginger dissolved in a cup of water.
  2. You can also drink ginger tea numerous times a day or chew a piece of raw ginger root.
  3. Both whole ginger and the ginger powder that they sell as natural pain relievers have the same pain-reducing properties.

Why is it Recommended?

  • The ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and therefore recommends migraine, although there is no change in blood vessels’ diameter or caliber during crises.
  • Thus, vascular disorders are not the cause of the headache.

12. Green Light

When to Use

  • It takes in the middle of a crisis.

How to Use

  1. It uses a bulb that emits pure light or sunglasses that block all widths of light except pure green light.
  2. These days light bulbs and sunglasses are prohibitively expensive.

Why is it Recommended?

  • The positive pain-relieving effect that green light can have, as it blocks the blue light that makes migraine pain worse, even in blind people.

13. Chamomile

When to Take

  • Throughout the day of the migraine attack, or preventively for four weeks in a row.

How to Take

  1. It recommends making an infusion with 2 or 3 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of hot water as a home remedy to eliminate headache symptoms.
  2. You can also improve lemon juice and honey.
  3. Drink 3 or 4 times per day to relieve migraine symptoms.

Why is it Recommended?

  • The Chamomile relieves vomiting and has sedative properties.

14. Mint

When to Take

  • It dinks in the middle of a crisis or preventively for three months.

How to Take

  1. Drink a distillation of 20 grams of new mint per half a liter of water or a dessert teaspoon of dried mint or spearmint per cup. Sweeten with honey.
  2. You can also practice applying cold compresses to your forehead with a few drops of peppermint essential oil to help you relax and reduce pain symptoms.
  3. The drops of peppermint oil can also add to infusions and salads, as different natural ways to dress your dishes.

Why is it Recommended?

  • It is digestive and anti-vomiting. Plus, it is soothing and anti-inflammatory and promises to prevent the most frequent headaches.

15. Apples

When to Take

  • You practice the first signs of its attack.

How to Take

  • Eating an apple and also smell a green apple says to reduce the severity of migraine headaches.

Why is it Recommended?

For its sedative assets as it is rich in phosphorus.

16. Massage

When to do

  • You have a headache.

How to do

  1. Massage the part of ​​the temples, eyebrows, and improper of the nose. Do circular massages regulating the pressure.
  2. These pressure points can stimulate with a few drops of peppermint oil.

Why is it Recommended?

  • The massage relieves muscle tension.
  • Since the migraine’s origin is not exclusively muscular, this remedy may not be sufficient, but you can reduce pain symptoms.

17. Orgasm

When to do

  • It takes in the middle of a crisis.

How to do

  • Ahem, no explanations needs.

Why is it Recommended?

  • Some persons have a clear development and even vanishing of their headache after having sex, probably due to the release of endorphins as natural pain relievers.
  • During a migraine attack, it had sexual intercourse, noticed a clear improvement, and, even in one in five, the pain disappeared.

18. Potato

When to Take

  • It eats in the middle of a crisis.

How to Take

  • Place a potato slice on each temple and another between the eyebrows, adjusting them with a handkerchief to eliminate headache symptoms.

Why is it Recommended?

  • As with watermelon, I don’t know wherefore it uses to reduce pain symptoms.

19. Tight Hairstyle

When to do

  • You start to feel pain in the head.

How to do

  • Change hairstyle and loosen braids, ponytails, and buns.

Why is it Recommended?

  • It argues that a tight hairstyle can cause headaches, and skin hypersensitivity is almost twice as common in patients with migraines than when compared to other patients or other types of chronic headaches.

20. Cayenne Pepper

When to Take

  • It drinks in the middle of a migraine attack.

How to Take

  1. It recommends diluting half a tablespoon (or less) in warm water.
  2. Optionally, and it improves the flavor, it recommends adding a little lemon juice and honey.

Why is it Recommended?

  • Some naturopaths possibly recommend it with the distraction of attention from the brain to pain elsewhere than the head.
  • Cayenne also stimulates circulation and improves blood flow. Also, it has a component called capsaicin, which works as a natural pain reliever.

21. Paint Doodles

When to do

  • You start to feel the first symptoms that you have a migraine.

How to do

  • Use pencils and colors and start drawing without thinking.

Why is it Recommended?

  • Doodling for a few minutes relieves tension and is a way to express yourself.
  • When you start to do it, the stroke will probably be fast and, little by little, it will slow down until you sensation less anxious.
  • There are many people who, when they have a worry or lack of sleep, drawing can help them reduce the burden generated.

22. Salt of the Himalayas

When to Take

  • You can take it when you have migraine pain to reduce the intensity and frequency of the pain.

How to Take

  1. You can take 200 ml of water and add 9 grams of salt. Drink this salted water once a day.
  2. Keep in mind that you can drink this drink, adding two lemon juice to improve its flavor naturally.

Why is it Recommended?

  • The salt of the Himalayas is rich in minerals and electrolytes. Attractive Himalayan salt says to stop its attack in a few minutes.
  • Because migraine is not due to inequity of mineral salts, this remedy may not be sufficient, and in the face of any new treatment, you should always consult your doctor.

23. Blow Air into the Ear

When to do

  • In the migraine attack.

How to do

  • Apply a steady stream of air to stimulate the nerves of the ear canal and eardrum directly.

Why is it Recommended?

  • The eardrum lets easy and direct access to the trigeminal nerve, relieving headaches without the need for drugs.
  • It does not know how to apply it; it can be a dangerous technique.

24. Apple Cider Vinegar

When to Take

  • Preventively before suffering a migraine attack.

How to Take

  1. It recommends diluting two tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water. Mix well and drink.
  2. If you do not use to have apple cider vinegar, start with a teaspoon, and gradually increase it.
  3. Important! You have to dilute it as pure is very acidic.

Why is it Recommended?

  • His recommendation is because this type of vinegar associate with detoxification and regularization of high blood pressure.
  • Excess toxins and pressure problems can reason headaches, but they are not the only cause of migraines.
  • Vascular alterations are not the cause of headaches, although many people believe so and seek a remedy in natural painkillers.


Therefore, the solution to eliminate and reduce the intensity and frequency of pain is to teach your brain not to turn on the pain signal, introducing cognitive-behavioral changes.

Change what you think and what you do in front of those events that you do not like.

People who experience chronic headaches are people who analyze information deeply, care for, and want to be in control; they have a personality that predisposes them to suffer from migraines.

Exercise regularly, practice self-awareness, and investigate everything that can trigger a headache before resorting to natural painkillers.

You can seek to alleviate headaches with home remedies, but the best strategy is to change your internal dialogue and make your brain understand that it should not turn on the symptoms and the warning signal in the wrong way.