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What is Mint? – Properties, Benefits, Uses, Types, and More

What is Mint?

Mint is a herb that grows in all portions of the world, but like most medicinal plants, it has a source in the Mediterranean region and was the Roman Empire.

In charge of transporting mint too many places and then spreading throughout itself, it has become a prevalent herb thanks to its various properties.

The mint plant spreads rapidly during the land to its branched stems that can rise to half a meter. Its flowers are purple or white and blossom as mint changes during its growing season.

About 25 species in the mint group, including oregano, rosemary, thyme, the mint, and the feature of all these species is its pungent aroma.

What are the Properties of Mint?

  1. The complete composition of mint makes it a plant with relevant healthy properties for our body, especially for the respiratory and digestive systems.
  2. Only its aroma can refresh the respiratory tract and, as a result, stimulate the appetite.
  3. About the respiratory system, flu, and other conditions related to the respiratory tract, it is good to consume mint because:
  4. It contains ascorbic acid that facilitates the expulsion of mucus on a large scale.
  5. In asthma cases or other conditions that lead to coughing episodes, retinol, an organic compound in peppermint, acts as an effective natural antitussive.

What are the Health Benefits of Mint?


  • Mint leaves have advantageous components for the heart and generally the rest of the cardiovascular system, contributing to proper blood circulation.
  • This plant commonly uses due to its assets to treat colic, nausea, and even regulate vomiting.
  • Peppermint leaves can help recover headaches and dizziness.
  • Mint contains large quantities of minerals and vitamins, mainly in its leaves, and these have properties that are of great significance in the digestive process.
  • One of the most popular peppermint properties is its high menthol content, which clears the airways.
  • The menthol that peppermint leaves also contain works to combat muscle aches.
  • Peppermint leaves contain antiseptic properties that help freshen the breath, killing the bacteria that cause it.

Uses of Mint

  1. Its use is straightforward, place 4 tablespoons of fresh mint leaves cut in four cups of boiling water. Let it cool, strain, and keep it in the fridge.
  2. This liquid is used as a homemade mouthwash to fight bad breath.
  3. If you have the flu, an excellent way to decongest your nose is by placing a few drops of homemade peppermint essential oil on a sponge.
  4. It leaves on the shower or bathtub floor at bath time and takes a shower with hot water.

What are the Types of Mint?


More than 20 types of mint make up this family, some more used than others, but we will mention the most common and well-known:

1. Peppermint

  • It can also be called brandy or American mint and one of the most popular. It can occur in humid areas of the United States, but its origin comes from Europe.
  • Its flowers are purple and begin to appear in summer through autumn.
  • Its form of production is to cultivate them, collect them, and dry them to be then able to give them the desired use. It is where they make peppermint oil.

2. Spearmint

  • Whose name can vary to mentha spectra, brown or lamb mint? It bears a remarkable resemblance to peppermint; however, its difference lies in the fact that the leaves do not have stems.
  • They are also narrow. Also, its appearance comes from Europe and is grown in the United States.
  • It produces oil. The entire plant is grown.

3. European Pennyroyal

  • You can differentiate two types of this plant with the same name: the European pennyroyal called Mentha pulegium and the other the American pennyroyal called Hedeoma Pulegiodes.
  • Of the first, its leaves are used to make puddings, which is also called pudding grass.
  • It has medicinal purposes by making oils that cannot take because they are harmful to the human body.

4. Mastranzo

  • It grows in Europe but is also seen in Asia and can also be called round-leaved mint.
  • It can withstand high cold climates, such as frost, and its dried leaves are used to flavor foods or make herbal teas that improve fever or headaches.
  • Also, if it transforms into oil, it can use as a repellent for rodents.

5. Wild Mint

  • It can also be called Mentha Arvensis, it has square-shaped stems, pink, purple, and white flowers, and its use is related to the production of oil.

6. Aquatic

  • It was equally useful for making tea and flavoring food.

How to Take Mint?

The way to prepare the mint infusion and the number of times we will take it per day will vary depending on the benefits we want to obtain.

1. Treat the Cold

  • We will infuse a tablespoon of dry mint in hot water for 10 minutes, and we will drink this infusion at least twice a day.

2. For Coughs

  • The infusion – with the same amount as in the previous one – should be done in cold water for 15 minutes, and we will take it three times a day.

3. For Gases

  • We will put a tablespoon of dried mint leaves and two fresh leaves in a liter of water. We will serve it very hot when taking it, and we will do it after the two main meals.

4. Intestinal Problems

  • It is advisable to take a tea of a tablespoon of dried mint plant twice a day, immersed in boiling water for 10 minutes.

5. For Topical Use

  • You have to dilute three tablespoons of mint in a liter of boiling water and wait for it to cool to wash the affected area with it or use essential oil diluted in water.

Characteristics of Mint

  • Mint can measure up to 120 cm. It consists of underground rhizomes that can usually invade the entire space where the plant locate.
  • Its leaves have an opposite arrangement, and its simple oblong shapes usually have a serrated margin.
  • This plant’s flowers have two lips and four lobes with colors that can vary from white to purple.
  • The mint fruit is a capsule that can have up to 4 seeds.

Composition of Mint

  1. The peppermint is made, among other things,  ascorbic acid,  also known as vitamin C -, acetic and benzoic.
  2. In addition to these acids, its composition includes vitamins of group B  ( B1,  B2, and  B3 ) –fundamental for the metabolic process– and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, or magnesium.
  3. In their leaves, we found a moderate amount of fiber needed for a healthy diet and betacarotene  -component antioxidant and essential for vitamin A production.
  4. Consuming peppermint can also help you fight to age, as it contains flavonoids, antioxidants that reduce the action of free radicals.

Recipes with Mint


Many remedies can make with mint; these are the most comfortable and most efficient to prepare.

1. For Gases

  • 50 grams of hyssop should mix with 50 grams of orange blossom plus 100 grams of mint.
  • Then a teaspoon of this mixture is extracted and added to a cup of boiling water.
  • Then let it infuse for about 10 minutes and strain. It should take after every meal.

2. Improve Digestion

  • A cup of water boil for 5 minutes, then 2 tablespoons of fresh mint leaves are added.
  • Strain and drink slowly. It can sweeten with a little honey.

3. Toothache

  • 10 grams of mint leaves pour into a glass of water that can be boiling.
  • Cover and cool. Gargle to relieve toothache.

4. Vomiting

  • Take 1 tsp of dried mint leaves to a cup of boiling water.
  • It is strained and should consume while it is still hot.

5. Bad Breath

  • 30 grams of fresh mint leaves must macerate together with 1 liter of white wine, let it marinate for two days.
  • After this time, add water, chamomile, rosemary, and mint.
  • You must drink at least two cups per day.

6. Liver Problems

  • 20 grams of boldo pour along with 20 grams of chamomiles, 10 grams of mint, 10 grams of lemon balm, 10 grams of rosemary in a liter of boiling water.
  • The entire mixture should then cover and allowed to rest, strain, and drink 4 cups a day.

7. Flu

  • ½ liter of boiling water should pour into a tablespoon of a mixture of echinacea, burdock, and mint leaves.
  • Cover it and leave it to time out for 15 minutes.
  • It would help if you strained it, and then you can drink one or two glasses a week.

Contraindications of Mint

  1. On the other hand, the most significant toxicity of yerba de Sapo finds in the essential oil, hence the importance of diluting it properly before application.
  2. It never gives to people who suffer from gallstones or kidney, hiatal hernia, or who take medications synthesized by the liver.
  3. The use of peppermint discourages in the case of pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  4. The use of mint also discourages pregnant women and nursing mothers since, in the first case, it can affect the fetus or even cause abortion, and in the second.
  5. It has severe consequences for young children. Since it reduces the heart rate and affects breathing, hence menthol ointments should not apply to children.


The mint plant spreads rapidly during the land thanks to its branched stems that can grow to half a meter. Its flowers are purple or white, and blossom as mint evolves during its growing season.

Many remedies can make with mint’s help; these are the most comfortable and most efficient to prepare.

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