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What is Shatavari? – Benefits, How to Use, Dosage, and More

What is Shatavari?

Shatavari is a kind of asparagus with great benefits. This wonderful Ayurvedic herb focuses all its energy and wisdom on the female reproductive system to harmonize and regulate its functioning.

Its scientific name is Asparagus Racemosus, its Ayurvedic name Shatavari, and it is a feminine herb par excellence.

But at a similar time, it has been used for centuries as a support for the digestive system, significantly when Pitta elevates, giving balance to the fire.

What are the Health Benefits of Shatavari?


When it comes to Asparagus aids, you’ll be amazed to know how this yummy vegetable donates to your overall well-being.

1. Helps Treat Fertility Issues

  • As per Ayurveda, Shatavari can help treat richness issues in women. It contains steroidal saponins that act as an estrogen regulator and help regulate blood purification and balance the hormones.
  • It chains the overall reproductive health of women during their menstrual cycle by lowering the symptoms of PMS.
  • Its dropping menstrual cramps and mood swings and also regulating the flow of blood during periods.
  • It also decreases the symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes, irritation, vaginal dryness, etc.
  • Asparagus can also assist in the treatment of low sperm count in men. It promotes a healthy sperm count and increases the odds of conception.
  • Shatavari, when joint with ashwagandha herb, can help treat impotence.

2. Helps Lower Stress and Anxiety

  • Stress and anxiety disturb almost everyone at some point in time in our lives. Your focus can relate to work-life balance, personal issues, or something which does not feel right.
  • The good news is that Shatavari’s regular consumption promotes endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine in the body.
  • These pleasure hormones help fight stress and anxiety. Hormonal variations are often main to mood swings and impatience.
  • It can relax your mind and aid you in fighting depression, irritation, and mood swings.

3. Helps in the Treatment of Respiratory Disorders

  • Respiratory infections can main to a cough, cold, breathing difficulties, tonsillitis, and bronchitis.
  • Including Shatavari or asparagus in your food can aid in the treatment of respiratory disorders. It can also help asthma patients.
  • In many parts of India, the Shatavari root juice consume to treat a cough and cold.

4. Improves Digestive Health

  • Shatavari is an excellent gut cleanser. It detoxifies the intestines and encourages the activity of digestive enzymes of the body.
  • It helps in the easy digestion of fats and carbohydrates in the body.
  • Consuming Shatavari Churna can relieve gastric infections such as diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting, and chest burn.
  • It also helps in the action of ulcers present in the small intestine, esophagus, or stomach.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties can protect against any inflammation in the digestive tract.

5. Improve the Breast Milk Production in Mothers

  • Shatavari augments breast milk production in mothers.
  • Times, new mothers cannot produce adequate milk due to various reasons like anemia, low blood pressure, or postpartum stress.
  • Shatavari facilitates the manufacture of milk naturally and is entirely safe for the baby.

6. Helps in the Treatment of Diabetes

  • Shatavari aids lower blood sugar levels, thereby assisting in the conduct of diabetes.
  • Regular usage can protect against kidney failure in diabetic patients.
  • It also believes that Shatavari lowers bad cholesterol and reduces oxidative stress.

7. Assists in the Treatment of Urine Infection

  • Shatavari acts as a diuretic and helps improve excess fluid from the body.
  • It helps in the action of urinary tract infections and also maintains a healthy bladder. It can help cure kidney stones.
  • Regular consumption can aid reduce the size of the kidney stone and, at times, cure it completely.

8. Strengthens the Immune System

  • It contains sapogenin, a controlling immunity booster, which improves the body’s fight and aids faster recovery.
  • It stimulates the cells that fight diseases and infections in the body.
  • The antioxidants currently protect our body from any harm caused by free radicals present in the environment.
  • It is a natural antibiotic, and its medicinal uses include the treatment of dysentery, cholera, E-coli, and abdominal tumors.

How to Use Shatavari?


  1. Shatavari can consume in powder or tablet form. Ayurveda prefers powdered herbs, as tasting the herb starts the digestive process and sends signals to the body to initiate its support mechanisms.
  2. Shatavari powder (½ to 1 teaspoon for beginners) traditionally take dissolved in a glass of warm milk, with honey or sugar if desired.
  3. It can also mix with ghee or even cooked into herbal ghee to take advantage of its toning and nourishing benefits.
  4. Shatavari tablets can facilitate consumption for those who want a tablet’s convenience (travel, on-road, at the office) or those who do not like the powder’s taste.
  5. And also, the tablets can take followed by milk or hot water if desired.
  6. Banyan Botanicals prefer tablets over capsules as they allow for a mild herb flavor.
  7. The digestive process begins with taste, sending signals to the rest of the body, telling it what to expect, and starting its internal pharmacy.

Mode of Consumption and Dosage of Shatavari

  • Depending on the need, the dose and the way of consumption are defined. And also, it usually finds in the form of a capsule or powdered herb (Churna).
  • It suggests to consume it in the morning hours, and the dose varies according to need, recommends consulting a specialized doctor or an Ayurvedic therapist before starting its consumption.
  • Shatavari is also soft and sweet; it is a herb with wisdom, powerful in its action.
  • She guides women in their processes from the beginning of the cycle to the end so that they can take it with greater understanding, assimilation, respect, and appreciation of all their feminine potential.

Contraindications of Shatavari

  1. It being part of the asparagus family, it should be avoided by anyone with an allergy to asparagus.
  2. Some say that asparagus can have diuretic effects, so Shatavari should use it with caution if you take diuretic drugs.
  3. From an Ayurvedic perspective, Shatavari consumption should avoid when there is excess Kapha, congestion, and ama.
  4. Since the uses of phytoestrogens are still not precisely known in the West, people with sensitivity to them, including tumors sensitive to them, are warned about the consumption of foods and herbs that contain them, including Shatavari.

Possible Side Effects and Risks of Shatavari

Ayurvedic medicine considers it “absolutely safe for long term use, even during pregnancy and lactation.” Still, there’s not much scientific investigation on the side effects of the Shatavari supplement.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding shouldn’t be using it until more do, and it’s proven safe. There are reports of allergic answers in some people who take Shatavari. And also, if you’re allergic to asparagus, avoid this addition.

Seek medical attention if you knowledge worsening asthma or allergic reaction symptoms.

It includes:

  • Rash
  • Fast heart rate
  • Itchy eyes
  • Itchy skin
  • Difficulty breathing
  • And also, Dizziness

It may have a diuretic effect, would help if you didn’t take it with other diuretic herbs or drugs such as furosemide (Lasix). And also, it may lower your blood sugar. You shouldn’t revenue it with other drugs or herbs that lower blood sugar.


It has been used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries. However, not sufficient on humans have to do to recommend it for any medical condition.

It’s safe to eat it in small quantities, and doing so will allow you to reap its antioxidant and immune-boosting aids.

If you wish to take a developed dose, talk to your doctor before adding it to your routine. They can go over your risks and potential benefits, as well as answer any questions you may have.

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