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17 Top Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are regular experiences for most people. 70% of adults feel stress or anxiety daily.

Here are 17 Top Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

1.Learn to Avoid Procrastination

  • This way to control your stress is to stay on top of your priorities and stop procrastinating. Procrastination can lead you to act reactively.
  • It can cause, which negatively affects your health and quality of sleep.
  • Get in the habit of making a priority to-do list. Set realistic deadlines and move up the list.
  • Get to work on the things you need to get done and take a great deal of uninterrupted time, as switching between tasks or multitasking can be stressful in and of itself.

2. Exercise


  • Exercise is one of the essential things you can do to fighting stress. It may seem counterintuitive, but putting physical pressure on your body through training can ease mental stress.
  • The benefits are most potent when you exercise regularly.
  • According to studies, people who exercise regularly are less likely to experience anxiety than that whole exercise.
  • Activities, such as walking or jogging, involving repetitive movements of large groups of muscles, can significantly relieve stress.

3. Seek Advice

Seek Advice

  • If new stressors challenge your ability to cope or self-care measures aren’t relieving stress, you may need to seek reinforcement, such as EMDR Therapy or counseling.
  • Treatment can also be a good idea if you feel overwhelmed or trapped, are overly concerned, or have trouble performing regular or meeting responsibilities at work, home, or school.
  • Professional counselors can help you identify sources of stress, learn new coping tools, and providing generalized anxiety disorder treatment.

4. Laugh


  • It is difficult to feel anxious when you laugh. It is suitable for your health, and there are some ways it can help relieve stress, such as removing stress by moderate your muscles.
  • In the long term, it can also help boost your immune system and mood.
  • Cancer people found that people in the laughing intervention group experienced more stress relief than those who were distracted.

5. Practice Mindfulness

  • Mindfulness describes practices that presenter you to the present moment. And also, it helps combat the anxiety-inducing effects of negative thinking.
  • There are many methods for increasing mindfulness, including mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, yoga, and meditation.
  • It may increase self-esteem, which lessens anxiety and depression symptoms.

6. Light a Candle

Light a Candle

Using essential oils or burning a fragrant candle can help reduce your feelings of stress and anxiety. Some aromas are incredibly calming.

And also here are some of the most calming:

  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Bergamot
  • Chamomile
  • Sandalwood
  • Orange flower
  • Geranium

And also, using fragrant to treat your mood is called aromatherapy. And also, aromatherapy can decrease anxiety and improve sleep.

7. Cut down on Caffeine

  • Caffeine is a tonic founds in coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks. High doses can increase anxiety.
  • People have different tolerance thresholds for caffeine when you find that caffeine makes you nervous or anxious, regard cutting back.
  • And also, coffee can be healthy in moderation; it is not for everybody. In general, five or fewer cups a day is considered a moderate amount.

8. Deep Breathing

Deep Breathing

  • Mental stress activates your sympathetic nervous system, sign your body to go into “fight-or-flight” mode.
  • During this reaction, stress hormones release, and you experience physical symptoms as a faster heartbeat, quicker breathing, and constricted blood vessels.
  • And also, it exercises can help activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which controls the relaxation reply.
  • There are also many types of deep breathing exercises, including diaphragmatic breathing, abdominal breathing, belly breathing, and paced respiration.
  • The goal of deep breathing is to sharpen your awareness of your breath, making it slower and more profound.
  • When you breathe in profoundly past your nose, your lungs full enlarge, and belly rises. And also, it helps your slow heart rate, allowing you to feel more peaceful.

9. Chew Gum

  • For super quick and easy stress relief, try chewing some gum. A study showed that people who chewed gum had a greater sense of well-being and less stress.
  • One possible explanation is that chewing gum triggers brain waves alike to those of relaxed people.
  • Another way chewing gum promotes blood flow to the brain. Additionally, other recent research found that stress relief was more significant when people chewed harder.

10. Learn to Say No

  • Not all stressors are within your power, but some take control over the parts of your life that can change and cause stress. The best way to say “no” is more frequently.
  • Mostly true if you find yourself taking on more than you can hold. Juggling many responsibilities can leave you feeling overcome.
  • And also, choosing about what you take on — and saying no to things that will needlessly add to your load — can reduce your stress levels.

11. Listen to Relaxing Music

Stress and Anxiety

  • Listening to music can have a very temper effect on the body. Slow-paced tools music can induce the relaxation response by lowering blood pressure and heart rate, and stress hormones.
  • Music can also be incredibly relaxing, but merely listening to the music you enjoy is also useful.
  • The sounds of nature can also be very calming. And also, that is why they often incorporate into relaxation and meditation music.
  • For a more wonderful experience, pair your device with a levitating speaker and watch it rotating while listening to the music. This is one of the best ways to kill stress. A floating Bluetooth speaker like Nebula from Floately will help you relax as it levitates and lights up as the music plays. Listening to the music and watching the spinning ball glow will definitely help you relax and sleep.

12. Spend Time with a Pet

  • Having a pet can help relieve stress and improve mood. Interaction with pets can help release oxytocin. A brain chemical that promotes festive mood, according to research published in Frontiers in Psychology in 2012.
  • It can also help relieve stress by giving it purpose, keeping it active, and keeping it company – all qualities help reduce anxiety.

13. Consider Supplements

Many supplements promote stress and anxiety reduction. Here is a short overview of some of the most common ones:

Lemon balm: This balm is a member of the mint family and its anti-anxiety effects.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: It supplements experienced a 20% reduction in anxiety symptoms.

Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha, an herb uses in Ayurvedic medicine to treat stress and anxiety, and it’s useful.

Green Tea: It contains many polyphenol antioxidants that provide health benefits. It helps lower stress and anxiety by enlarge serotonin stages.

Valerian: Its root is a popular sleep aid due to its tranquilizing effect. And also, it contains acid, which alters gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors to lower anxiety.

Kava kava: It is a psychoactive member of the pepper family, increasingly used to treat mild stress and anxiety.

Many supplements can also interact with medications or have side effects, so you may want to consult with a doctor if you have a medical condition.

14. Write it Down

Write it Down

  • It’s an excellent way to handle your stress. While recording what you stress about is one approach, another is jotting down, you’re grateful for it.
  • And also, it may help relieve stress and anxiety by focusing your thoughts on what’s useful in your life

15. Spend Time with Friends and Family

  • Friends and family help you get through tension times. A part of a friend network that gives you a sense of effect and self-worth, helping you in tough times.
  • Expanding time with friends and children helps release oxytocin, natural stress relief for women.
  • An effect is called “tend and befriend,” and is facing off the fight-or-flight reaction. Keep in mind both men and women benefit from friendship.
  • And also, men and women with hardly social connections were more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.

16. Yoga Class

Yoga Class

  • Yoga has a popular method of stress relief and exercises among all age groups.
  • When yoga styles differ, most share a usual goal — to join your body and mind. It primarily does this by increasing body and breath recognition.
  • It’s the effect on mental health. Yoga can increase mood and may even be as effective as antidepressant drugs at treating depression and anxiety.
  • In general, yoga’s benefit for stress and anxiety relates to your nervous system and stress reply.
  • It helps under cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate and grows gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter lower in mood disorders.

17. Cuddle

  • Cuddling, kissing, hugging can all help relieve stress.
  • Positive physical contact help release oxytocin and cortisol. It helps blood pressure and heart rate; both are physical symptoms of stress.
  • And also, absorbing, humans aren’t the only animals who cuddle for stress relief.


Stress and anxiety may get up in your workplace and personal life. There are many easy ways to reduce the pressure you feel.

These tips frequently involve getting your mind away from the source of stress.

And also, exercise, mindfulness, music, and physical intimacy can work to relieve anxiety — and they will better you all work-life balance as well.